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Violet Fizz – Gin Cocktail

Violet Fizz, a gin cocktail with violet liqueur

A Fizz is a very refreshing cocktail, both alcoholic and carbonated. There are numerous variants of this drink group, the Gin Fizz is probably one of the best known. A variation is the Violet Fizz, to this drink Crème de Violett is added, a very well-known violet liqueur. This gives the drink its unusual light purple colour.

The Violet Fizz is, by the way, only a remnant of a somewhat complicated cocktail. We are talking about the Fizz á la Violet. This in turn is a twist on the Ramos Gin Fizz, a very flowery, creamy and elaborate gin cocktail.

The exact history of the Violet Fizz is unfortunately no longer known today. The Fizz á la Violet was first mentioned in 1939 in a cocktail book by Charles Baker. It is of course possible that the mixture of this gin fizz has become too complex for some bartenders over the years. Thus the modified variation Violet Fizz could have developed.

Crème de Violette

Crème de Violette, sometimes also called Liqueur de Violette, describes a liqueur with a violet aroma. It is characterized by its violet blue or reddish-violet colour. The cream in the name of the liqueur indicates the high sugar content of the drink. In the EU, at least 250 g of sugar per litre must be prescribed for such spirits.

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The taste of the Crème de Violette is naturally reminiscent of the floral aroma of violets. This is often described as a very subtle and fine, but also sweet spice. In order not to suppress this light, refreshing aroma in the gin cocktail, one should not use gin that is too juniper-heavy. The violet taste is otherwise quickly covered. Gins with a mild juniper note work better, preferably in combination with a citrus aroma. Gins often used in violet fizz are, for example, the B my Gin and the Hoos London Gin.

How do you make a really good violet fizz?

Engine Violet Fizz

  • 5 cl Gin
  • 2 cl Crème de Violette
  • 3 cl lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed)
  • 1 cl Sugar syrup
  • Soda
  • ice cubes
  • One slice of lemon or edible flowers for decoration

How to complete a purple fizz?

  1. First the gin, the crème de violette, the freshly squeezed lemon juice and the sugar syrup are put into a cocktail shaker.
  2. A few ice cubes are then added. For about 20 seconds the ice cubes are shaked through with the liquids so that everything connects well.
  3. Now the gin cocktail can be strained with the help of a bar strainer into a long drink glass. In this glass some fresh ice cubes should be put.
    The drink is then finally filled up with soda and can either be served in this state or it is decorated a little bit.

  4. For decoration it is suitable to cut a slice of lemon a little and stick it to the edge of the glass. It also looks nice to add a few fresh, edible flowers to the drink. This makes a nice summery impression.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Gin Summer Cup – Gin Cocktail

Gin Summer Cup, THE drink for summer

Summer Cup or in the original also Fruit Cup, are in Germany still rather unknown beverages, at least as far as the designation is concerned. For this reason I would like to introduce this variant of the gin cocktail to you today. Traditionally the Summer Cup comes from England. Over the years it slowly gained familiarity and popularity as a long drink, which was combined with soft drinks like lemonade or ginger ale. These long drinks are usually based on gin, but there are also a few Summer or Fruit Cup variations with vodka. Summer Cups are so well suited for the summer because they are simply wonderfully refreshing, especially since many fruits belong in the cocktail. Also the mint, which is a component of the drink, contributes to this effect. Our recipe variant contains oranges and mint, but you could also use any other fruit you like. Some examples are strawberries, blueberries, limes and apples.

Which gin is used for the Gin Summer Cup Gin Cocktail?

The most frequently used gin variety for the Gin Cocktail Gin Summer Cup is probably Pimm’s No. 1.

Gin is characterised by a slightly bitter, herbaceous and spicy taste. By the way, this is a liqueur based on gin, the alcohol content is „only“ 25%. In relation to most Gin sorts this is rather little. Pimm’s No. 1 should rather be mixed with ginger ale in the Gin Summer Cup. The fine ginger note supports the spicy gin and harmonises perfectly with the fresh fruits.

Another gin that is often used for the Summer Cup is Sipsmith’s Summer Cupo. The name of the gin cocktail is already in the name of the gin. This gin is often referred to as a gin aperitif. The smell of Sipsmith’s Summer Cup initially indicates orange, cucumber and English tea. The Gin Summer Cup comes from England, so this Gin reminds strongly of the English Tea Time. You can also taste different flavours within the drink. Some examples are juniper, lemon, different spices but also a hint of cherry. Who wants to prepare the Gin Summer Cup with Sipsmith’s Summer Cup should mix the drink better with Sprite than with Ginger Ale.

How to prepare a really good Gin Summer Cup?

Gin ingredients Summer Cup:

  • 6 cl Summer Cup (for example Sipsmith Summer Cup English herbal liqueur)
  • Cucumbers, per cocktail about three to four slices
  • Fresh mint
  • 2 slices oranges
  • Ginger Ale or Sprite (for filling)
Sipsmith Summer Cup Englischer Kräuterlikör, 1er Pack (1 x 500 ml)
  • Englischer Kräuterlikör
  • ideal zum Verschenken oder selbst genießen

How to complete a Gin Summer Cup?

  1. The preparation of the Gin Summer Cup Gin Cocktail begins with the preparation of the glass. For this, the cucumber is cut into slices and the orange, depending on its size, is also cut into slices or slices. Both are then placed in a slightly larger glass.
  2. Next, the glass is filled to about one third with ice cubes.
  3. After cucumber, orange and ice cubes have been added to the glass, 6 cl Summer Cup are added.
  4. After cucumber, orange and ice cubes have been added to the glass, 6 cl Summer Cup are added.

  5. Finally, the cocktail is filled with sprite or ginger ale. This depends on which Summercup is used.
  6. For decoration you can now put a small bush of mint into the glass, or place a slice of orange on the edge of the glass.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Arthur Tompkins – Gin Cocktail

Arthur Tompkins, a simple but super delicious gin cocktail

The selection of different gin cocktails is now really incredibly large. The different types of gin alone make the choice very confusing. Meanwhile there are also numerous different Gin Bars, both inside and outside Germany, which have specialized predominantly in the topic Gin. In particular the many different Gin Cocktails are in the preparation often complex and are prepared therefore rather rarely. The Arthur Tompkins Gin Cocktail, on the other hand, is prepared very quickly and is also suitable for drinking one or two glasses in the evening after work.

What gin goes well with an Arthur Tompkins Gin Cocktail?

For an Arthur Tompkins you can use different gin varieties , here the motto is in most cases that you should use the gin you like. One option is to use the Hendrick’s Gin. It has a very strong cucumber aroma, which fits perfectly to the Grand Marnier. But you really have to appreciate and like this combination so that you really like it.
Others swear by the Tanqueray No. Ten. This makes the described gin cocktail drier, but the taste of the gin is less in the foreground. A point of criticism for some gin lovers could be that the gin aroma is largely lost.

What is Grand Marnier?

The Grand Marnier is another component of the Arthur Tompkins Gin Cocktails. This is generally a French brand for various liqueurs or more precisely Curaçao liqueurs, which are made from Caribbean bitter oranges. A well-known drink of the company is the Cordon Rouge based on Cognac. By the way, Grand Marnier is not only used for drinking on its own or for preparing long drinks and (gin) cocktails. This liqueur is also convincing because of its versatility, especially when it comes to cooking and baking.

Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge - edler Blend aus Cognac und Bitterorangen-Essenz - pur als Likör oder...
  • Unser Klassiker seit 1880: Der einzigartige, bernsteinfarbene Orangenlikör aus Cognac und der unverwechselbaren Essenz exotischer Bitterorangen, harmonisch mit Haselnuss- und Toffee-Noten abgerundet
  • Nicht nur pur oder mit Eiswürfeln ein Genuss: Der preisgekrönte Premium-Likör dient auch als Zutat für klassische Cocktails wie Grand 75 (French 75), Sidecar, Old Fashioned, Margarita und Mai Tai

How to make a really good Arthur Tompkins?

Ingredients Arthur Tompkins:

  • 6 cl Gin
  • 1.5 cl Grand Marnier
  • 6 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ice cubes

How to make a good Arthur Tompkins now?

  1. The preparation of the gin cocktail Arthur Tompkins is really easy. First the Gin, Grand Marnier are put into a cocktail shaker together with the lemon juice and some ice cubes.
  2. subsequently the liquids are shaken together with the ice for about 15 – 25 seconds.
  3. Then you can strain the well shaken cocktail. A nice old fashioned glass is best suited for this, or also the most stylish.
  4. The gin cocktail can then be garnished with a few lemon zest or a slice of lemon. The latter can be stuck at the edge of the cocktail by making a small cut into a slice of lemon.
  5. And the Gin Cocktail Arthur Tompkins can either be served or drunk by yourself.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Five a Day – Gin Cocktail

Five a Day by Fabio Brusco, Winner of the „Gin Mare Mediterranean Inspirations Competition“ 2016

The gin cocktail I present to you today is something of a little celebrity. Well, almost, the bartender who created this Gin Cocktail is, he won the „Gin Mare Mediterranean Inspirations Competition“ in 2016. This competition, which takes place for the 8th time in 2018, is a competition for professional bartenders from different countries, for example Germany, Great Britain, but also Hong Kong, Singapore and Spain. The recipe for each cocktail must be prepared by the bartender himself and must be under the sign of „Mare Nostrum“. Mare Nostrum is an ancient Roman name for the Mediterranean, and alludes in particular to Mediterranean components. This competition is proclaimed by the Gin brand Gin Mare. Until the end of May you have to apply, in June the semi-final will take place in your home country and at the beginning of September there will be the international final on Ibiza. In 2016 the Italian Fabio Brusco won together with the British Robyn Wilkie. 2016 was the first and so far only year in which there were 2 winners. Brusco is currently the bar manager in the Berlin bar-restaurant „San Rocco“.

The Gin Cocktail Five a Day by Fabio Brusco is a drink which is especially suitable as a summer aperitif cocktail. The Mediterranean aroma of Gin Mare makes for a wonderfully light, refreshing and very interesting gin cocktail.

How to make a really good Five a Day?

Additives Five a Day:

  • 6 cl Gin Mare Gin
  • 3 cl lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed!)
  • 3 cl celery juice
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 2 sugar cubes or 2 small teaspoons sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Cava (brood) to refill
Gin Mare - Der mediterrane Gin - Premium Gin - Geschenkempfehlung- würzig-aromatisch inspiriert von...
  • GIN MARE: Der mediterrane Gin, inspiriert von dem besonderen Lebensgefühl und der einzigartigen Geschmackswelt der Mittelmeerregion
  • GESCHMACKSPROFIL: Gin Mare besticht durch einen aromatisch-würzigen, mediterranen Geschmack, geprägt von vier Haupt-Botanicals: Arbequina-Oliven, Rosmarin, Basilikum und Thymian, der Abgang ist daher langanhaltend, würzig und frisch

How to make a Five a Day Gin Cocktail?

  1. Considering the list of ingredients one might think that the Gin Cocktail Fiva a Day would be very awkward to prepare – but this is definitely not the case! Basically it only takes three steps to prepare and serve the cocktail.
  2. First, add a rosemary sprig to the cocktail shaker and press on with a pinch of salt and sugar. The best way to do this is to use a cocktail pestle.
  3. Then the cocktail shaker of the Gin Mare, the lemon juice and of course the celery juice are poured into it. All ingredients are then shaken thoroughly for about 30 seconds.
  4. The finished gin cocktail mixture can then be strained twice into a glass. Double straining means using both the bar strainer and a finer strainer. The glass, which I personally recommend for Fiva a Day is a goblet glass, should have been properly cooled before. The glass is then filled up with Cava, or sparkling wine.
  5. To give the Gin Cocktail the final touch, you can or should garnish it a little before serving. For this you can use a simple rosemary sprig. It is more elaborate, but optically more exciting, to make a „nest“ of grated celery, lemon peel and a rose branch. This is then simply placed on the finished drink.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Frozemary – Gin Cocktail

Frozemary, a combination of different summer drinks!

Laue summer evenings and nights are basically the perfect time to do something with friends and also to enjoy one or the other (alcoholic) drink. There are many possibilities, such as different wines, Aperol Spritz, Gin (Tonic) or Gin Cocktails. And of course you can simply combine the different types of alcohol with each other and create a completely new mixture together with fruits like strawberries! The Gin Cocktail Frozemary is such a combination and I want to show you it today. The Gin Cocktail is fruity and refreshing due to its ingredients, but at the same time not too sweet. A perfect drink for mild summer evenings.

Gin Mare as an important ingredient

The Gin Cocktail Frozemary is made with the Gin Mare, an absolutely perfect combination in my opinion. This gin is a premium gin from Spain, more precisely from Barcelona. Already the design of the bottle convinced me in my test at that time. But also the taste of the Gin Mare is completely unique in the world of gin. This is a very Mediterranean gin, which is also produced exclusively with Mediterranean ingredients. In Gin Mare you can find the aroma of olives, thyme, basil and rosemary. These components in the gin, as well as the rosé wine and the aperitif result in a rather bitter aroma. (I recommend Gin Mare as Gin Tonic rather to floral Tonic Water.)

Together with the strawberry puree used for the Gin Cocktail Frozemary, the ingredients are perfectly rounded off. The result is a gin cocktail that combines various ingredients and will delight the drinker!

Additives for a Frozemary


  • 2.5 cl Gin Mare Gin
  • 2.5 cl Aperol
  • 2,5 cl rosé wine
  • 2.5 cl freshly pureed strawberries
  • Crushed Ice
  • For decoration lemon slices, strawberries and rosemary sprigs
Aperol Aperitivo, 11% / Aperol Spritz – Italiens Nr. 1 Cocktail, 1 x 0,7 L
  • Zutaten wie Rhabarber, Chinarinde, Enzian und Bitterorangen ergeben einen unnachahmlichen Geschmack
  • Dank seiner leuchtenden Farbe und seinem leichten, prickelnden und erfrischenden Geschmack hat sich Aperol Spritz zu einem Kultgetränk und einem weltweiten Phänomen entwickelt
Gin Mare - Der mediterrane Gin - Premium Gin - Geschenkempfehlung- würzig-aromatisch inspiriert von...
  • GIN MARE: Der mediterrane Gin, inspiriert von dem besonderen Lebensgefühl und der einzigartigen Geschmackswelt der Mittelmeerregion
  • GESCHMACKSPROFIL: Gin Mare besticht durch einen aromatisch-würzigen, mediterranen Geschmack, geprägt von vier Haupt-Botanicals: Arbequina-Oliven, Rosmarin, Basilikum und Thymian, der Abgang ist daher langanhaltend, würzig und frisch

How to complete a Frozemary?

  1. First the glass, preferably a tumbler gin glass, should be cooled, for example in the freezer compartment or a cooler.
  2. When the glass is cooled, you can start preparing the gin cocktail. First the strawberries have to be crushed with a pestle or mashed with a mixer.
  3. The strawberries are then placed in a cocktail shaker, together with the crushed ice, gin, aperol and rosé wine.
  4. Everything is then shaken vigorously in the shaker for a good 30 to 40 seconds so that the liquids combine to form a homogeneous mass.
  5. The penultimate step is now to strain the finished gin cocktail twice into the glass filled with fresh ice cubes or fresh crushed ice. Double straining means using both the bar strainer and an additional, slightly finer strainer for straining. This is to prevent pieces from getting into the finished Gin Cocktail.
  6. Finally, the gin cocktail, now almost ready to serve, is decorated with a sprig of rosemary, a slice of lemon and a strawberry with a little green. You can already enjoy the Gin Cocktail Frozemary!

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Red Butterfly – Gin Cocktail

Red Butterfly, summer time is strawberry time and cocktail time

From about May to August is for many fruits the really perfect time, especially strawberries ripen in the summer months. Many use them for cakes, desserts, shakes – or for one or the other alcoholic drink. In my contribution today I would like to introduce the Red Butterfly Gin Cocktail. This is a very fruity, summery sweet composition of strawberries, limes and gin. The Gin Cocktail is rounded off with a price of spicy (freshly ground) pepper.

Which gin and which tonic water is used for this cocktail?

Basically it should be said in advance that the Red Butterfly can be prepared with different spirits. Vodka and gin in particular are mostly used for cocktails, but since this is a ginblog, I will of course discuss the variant with the gin. The best way to choose the right gin is to consider the different components.

The gin cocktail is mixed with the Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic Water. This Tonic Water is characterized by a very floral note, it hardly tastes bitter, rather the cherry aroma in the foreground. Since the strawberries are also very fruity, you should use a rather less obtrusive gin for this rather special tonic water from Berlin. A recommendation is for example the Bombay Sapphire Gin. Basically, the gin should not have too strong a taste of its own, otherwise the gin cocktail is simply quickly overloaded. A suitable gin would be, however, also Gin, which itself carries a citrus note . The Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic Water is really unique in its kind, both in terms of color and taste. So the resulting Gin Cocktail Red Butterfly quickly becomes something very special, it’s really worth experimenting here!

How do you make a really good Red Butterfly?

Red Butterfly Gin Cocktail

  • 3 cl freshly pureed strawberries
  • 3 – 4 cl Gin
  • Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic (or another very fruity sweet tonic water)
  • 1 cl freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ice cubes
  • For decoration a strawberry with green and/or a slice of lime
Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic 24 x 0,2 Liter
  • Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic 24 x 0
  • 2 Liter

How to make a Red Butterfly?

  1. First, the glasses for the gin cocktail should be well cooled. This can be done in the freezer, in a freezer or in a glass with ice cubes. This gin cocktail definitely looks the noblest in a champagne bowl.
  2. After you have washed the strawberries (in the best case the ones you picked yourself!) you can start to crush them to make the strawberry puree. This works best in a cocktail shaker using a pestle.
  3. Then add the freshly squeezed lime juice, the Cherry Blossom Tonic Water and the gin to the strawberry puree in the cocktail shaker. Everything is then shaken thoroughly for about 30 seconds, so that the components mix.
  4. The finished cocktail is then strained twice into a glass previously filled with ice cubes. Double straining means that you use a bar strainer as well as a finer sieve to strain the cocktail.
  5. The finished cocktail is then garnished with a pinch of pepper. The pepper gives the strawberries a special taste. If you like, you can also garnish the glass with a strawberry, a slice of lime or a few lime zests.
  6. And the finished Gin Cocktail Red Butterfly can be served.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Testbericht Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin

Eine Flasche des Four Pillars Rare Dry Gins

Australischer Gin bei Ginnatic – Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin

Zugegeben, Australien ist nicht unbedingt für Gin bekannt, dennoch gibt es australische Gins. Einen davon möchte ich euch zum Beginn einer neuen Woche vorstellen.

Europäische Einwanderer brachten vor Jahrhunderten den Weinbau nach Australien. Vor kurzem begann eine Brennerei nun damit, mit Gin und Wein zu experimentieren. Daraus entstand der Bloody Shiraz Gin, der in Weinfässern gelagert wird. Diesen stelle ich euch aber an anderer Stelle vor, heute teste ich den Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin. Dieser bildet die Grundlage für den Bloody Shiraz, kommt aber ohne Wein-Einfluss aus.

Für den Gin werden neben Wacholder ganze Orangen, Zitronenmyrte und verschiedene Gewürze verwendet. Die Flasche fasst 700 mL und kostet bei Conalco rund 35 Euro.

Wie riecht der Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin?

Die Four Pillars Flasche hat eine leicht rundliche Form, das Design ist sehr schlicht. Das Etikett geht einmal um die Falsche rum und ist in einem matten Schwarz gehalten. Der Text darauf ist in einem schimmernden Rosegold.

In der Nase ist der Gin fruchtig und zitronig mit einem angenehmen Wacholderton. Unterstrichen wird der Geruch von einer angenehmen Gewürznote. Der Gin ist sehr aromatisch und angenehm rund. Keines der genannten Aromen sticht hervor oder überlagert die anderen. Der Gin ist komplex und fein abgestimmt.

Wie schmeckt der Four Pillars Gin?

Tastingtime! Wie immer beginne ich mit dem puren Tasting, ohne Eis und Tonic Water, ich genieße den Gin bei Raumtemperatur. Am Gaumen ist der Gin im ersten Moment angenehm süß und wärmend. Man erkennt Wacholder und Zimt. Auch Zitrus ist in einer schön ausgeprägten Form vorhanden, ebenso wie verschiedene Gewürze. Vor allem durch den Pfeffer bekommt der Gin eine angenehme Schärfe.

Der Gin fühlt sich warm und würzig an, im Abgang, wird das Aroma etwas herber und würziger, die süßen Nuancen verschwinden hier. Der Gin wirkt qualitativ hochwertig und geschmacklich fein abgestimmt. Die leichte Süße in Kombination mit dem Zitrus hebt den Gin hervor, geschmacklich wirkt er dennoch eher klassisch und wenig außergewöhnlich.

Zusammenfassung Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin

Der Four Pillars Gin ist im Geschmack leicht süß und zitronig. Man erkennt Wacholder sowie verschiedene Gewürze. Insgesamt sind die einzelnen Zutaten wunderbar aufeinander abgestimmt. Der Gin ist qualitativ hochwertig, aber weniger außergewöhnlich, weshalb der Gin pur zwar in Ordnung, aber nicht besonders spannend ist.

  • Australischer Gin
  • rund 42% Alkoholgehalt
  • Wärmender und würziger Gin
  • London Dry Gin

Gin Streckbrief

Gin Name: Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin

Gin Sorte: Dry Gin

Gin Hersteller: Liberty Wines Ltd

Land: Vereinigtes Königreich

Farbe: Klar

Alkoholgehalt: 41,8%


Preis: 31,66 €


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Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Cucumber Frog – Gin Cocktail

Cucumber Frog – a delicious Gin Cocktail

A cocktail must be fruity, which fruit can it be today? Burke and basil? For a drink? That can’t taste at all! But it’s worth trying this extraordinary thing. What looks strange at first sight and above all sounds strange, is in reality a sensationally good gin cocktail, which should definitely be tasted! What exactly is in the Cucumber Frog? Gin, cucumber, wasabi paste and basil syrup.

Which gin and which tonic water are used for this cocktail?

Several Gins are suitable for a good Cucumber Frog. The Hendrick’s Gin is one of the top favourites. It shines with cautious bitterness and a cucumber aroma, so it’s perfect for our green cocktail. The Cornelius Ampleforth, which tastes a little more flowery, also fits wonderfully. You want the especially fresh taste? Then maybe Niemand Gin is the right one for you. The rosemary note goes perfectly with the combination of cucumber and basil!

This drink does without a tonic water, that’s why we have our basil syrup.

Additives Cucumber Frog

  • 4 cl Gin
  • 3 cl Lime Juice
  • 3 cucumber slices
  • 1/2 teaspoon wasabi paste
  • 2 cl basil syrup

Preparation Cucumber Frog

  1. Press the cucumber slices once with the ram.
  2. add lemon juice, gin, wasabi and basil syrup and shake on ice.
  3. Shaked the mix rather more often, so that the Wasabi can dissolve itself also beautifully.
  4. Fill a long drink glass with ice and serve the cocktail in it.
  5. Garnish with cucumber slices and basil leaves.

How to make my basil syrup ?

Of course you can buy sweet syrups everywhere, but we make our own basil syrup. A few shops already offer it, but the taste is incomparable when it is freshly prepared.
The syrup consists of water, sugar and of course basil. If we assume 500 ml of water, you can plan a whole pot of fresh basil. The result will be a litre of syrup. This sounds quite little, but if you consider that you only mix a tiny amount into the cocktail, your green drink will last for a long time. Since you usually don’t need such a quantity, it’s better to take only 200 ml of water. The sugar must have the same amount, 200g. 15-20 leaves of basil are sufficientd. Heats sugar and water together in a pot until the sugar has dissolved. Then let the mixture cool down and put the basil leaves into it.

Do you have a vacuum device, super! If not, put the mixture in a freezer bag and put it in the freezer for 24 hours. After 24 hours, defrost the syrup and remove the basil leaves. It is best to mix the syrup a few days before use. When it is defrosted and can be kept in the fridge, it tastes even more aromatic.
The Wasabi is, of course, a taste of your own. If you like it hot, add a little more of the green paste. Who drinks the cocktail for the first time and doesn’t know exactly how much he likes the spice together with the gin, should dose more carefully. But the combination of fiery spiciness, fresh basil and aromatic gin makes Cucumber Frog so unmistakable!

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Clover Club – Gin Cocktail

Clover Club – the fruity-sour seduction

Who doesn’t love the fruity-sour raspberry? Whether fresh or frozen, as ice cream or sauce, especially on warm days we can’t get enough of it. So why not enjoy it in combination with a glass of gin? The preparation of this delicious drink is extremely simple, but all the more aromatic in taste!

What kind of gin do you use for this cocktail?

Basically every gin is suitable for the Clover Club. So it all depends on your taste preferences which type goes into the cocktail. If the Clover Club is to become traditional, a dry gin with a strong juniper note is recommended. If you like it fruity, you prefer a berry gin such as Brockmans. You can’t do anything wrong with a citrus-heavy gin. Acidity, bitter aroma and the sweetness of the berries will give you the perfect clover taste! Possible gins are Malfy Gin, By the Dutch Dry Gin, the Gin Sul or Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin.
You don’t need a tonic water, but lemon juice and raspberry syrup.

How to set up a really good Clover Club?

Ingredients Clover Club:

6 cl gin
3 cl lemon juice
2 cl raspberry syrup
3 raspberries
1 egg white

Preparation Clover Club:

  1. The raspberries must be crushed well.
  2. All ingredients are put into a shaker together with some ice cream and the crushed raspberries.
  3. Some times strong shaken.
  4. Through the raspberry seeds the mixture must now be passed through a sieve, but of course you remove the ice.
  5. Now the cocktail is shaked again without ice.
  6. Fill the drink into a cooled glass.
  7. Garnish with fresh raspberries and enjoy!

There are many prescription suggestions, why exactly this preparation?

The ingredients don’t differ, they agree. Gin, egg white, raspberry syrup, lemon and egg white must end up in the glass. There is a need for discussion about raspberry syrup. The colour as well as the consistency and the taste can destroy a Clover Club faster than you think. Too sweet? Doesn’t go well with gin? Too berry? Then there is no need for fresh raspberries. Colour too strong? Can appear unnatural. In order to be able to use the perfect raspberry syrup, here comes the tip that even experienced bartenders swear by: Mix homemade raspberry syrup with raspberry spirit. The raspberry brandy can of course be bought, you make the syrup as follows:

Take raspberries and sugar in equal proportions by weight, then crush raspberries into mush beforehand. Boil both with water (at 500g sugar and 500g raspberries about 250ml), a dash of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar in a frying pan until the sugar is dissolved and the whole thing thickens slightly. Then pass through a filter cloth and allow to cool. Now add 2cl raspberry spirit and use the mix for your Clover Club.

By using freshly made raspberry syrup your cocktail automatically gets a beautiful, natural looking colour. By the way, if you like it very berry, you can also omit the raspberry spirit. The drink is very fruity, which loosens up the spirit a bit.

No matter whether with or without raspberry brandy, a true Clover Club should every gin fan already once tasted or even prepared!

Ginnatic London Dry Gin

Testbericht Ampersand Gin

Eine Flasche des Ampersand Gins

Spanischer Gin destilliert in England

Nach einer anstrengenden Woche ist es Zeit, die Arbeit beiseite zu legen, und sich auf die schönen Dinge zu konzentrieren – in diesem Fall ein neues Gin Tasting. Ich möchte euch heute den Ampersand Gin vorstellen. Dieser Gin besteht aus 6 Botanicals, welche aus dem sonnigen Spanien stammen. Destilliert wird der Gin jedoch in England. Die wichtigsten Botanicals sind Wacholder und Zitrus, der Gin ist somit ein klassischer London Dry Gin. Der Gin wurde 4-fach destilliert. Unter dem Namen steht AMPERSAND steht “The Power of Mixing”, und auch auf der Rückseite der Flasche steht der Hinweis, perfekt für Mix-Getränke ist. Der Preis pro Flasche liegt bei unter 20 Euro, der Alkoholgehalt bei 40%.

Wie riecht der Ampersand Gin?

Die Ampersand Flasche ist lang und leicht Sanduhrförmig. Farblich ist sie in einem matten grau gehalten, wodurch die Flasche stilvoll und modern wirkt. Als ich den silbernen Verschluss Aufdrehe, fällt mir sofort auf, dass im Flaschenhals ein Ausschankhelfer aus Plastik sitzt. Bei kubischen Flaschen finde ich diese oft sehr praktisch, hier wirkt dieser in meinen Augen leider eher billig.
Geruchlich bleibt der Gin eher auf dem unteren Level. Man erkennt Wacholder und Zitrus, aber auch ein Alkoholaroma, welches leider recht dominant ist. Außerdem sind leichte Kräuter- oder Wurzelnoten zu erkennen, diese sind aber wenig ausgeprägt. Der Geruch verfliegt zudem sehr schnell und wirkt wenig tiefgründig oder komplex.

Wie schmeckt der Ampersand Gin?

Im Geschmack ist vorrangig zunächst der Wacholder zu erkennen, der Gin ist geprägt von einer sehr milden, einfachen Süße. Im Abgang erkennt man Zitrus und erneut Kräuter, vielleicht auch eine leicht grasige Tendenz. Im Nachgang bleibt leider wieder der Alkohol zurück, allerdings etwas weniger stark, als ich vermutet hatte. Insgesamt ist der Gin aber sehr einfach und geschmacklich nicht besonders außergewöhnlich. Wie auf der Flasche schon steht: Ein Gin, der sich vor allem zum Mixen eignet.

Tastingzusammenfassung Ampersand Gin

Der Ampersand Gin ist geschmacklich sehr einfach und schlicht gehalten, man erkennt Wacholder und Zitrus, zudem leichte Nuancen von Kräutern. Der Gin ist nicht komplex, ein klassischer London Dry Gin. Etwas schade ist, dass das Alkoholaroma zu stark vorhanden ist. Der Gin ist daher eher für Gin Tonics geeignet, oder auch für Gin Cocktails.

  • London Dry Gin
  • Gin aus Spanien, destilliert in England
  • 6 verwendete Botanicals
  • geeignet zum Mixen von Long Drinks und Gin Cocktails

Gin Streckbrief

Gin Name: Ampersand London Dry Gin

Gin Sorte: London Dry Gin

Gin Hersteller: Ampersand Distilling Company

Land: Kanada


Alkoholgehalt: 40,00%




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Ginnatic London Dry Gin


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