Countronic – gin cocktail

Countronic - a bitter gin cocktail! Fancy the taste of bitter-sweet orange? The Cointreau is known worldwide for its unique taste. Can this fruit be combined with the aromatic gin? Can you, and...

Gum Tonic – Gin Cocktail

Gum Tonic Gin Cocktail You want to spice up your gin and tonic a bit? Do you want to vary the ingredients a little? Then try the so-called Gum Tonic! For this cocktail there is...

Gin-Chicken – Chicken breast fillet with gin-herb mixture

A shot of gin for Mediterranean cuisine Who does not love them, the diverse mediterranean cuisine from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and many other countries. Clear, pasta, risotto, fresh fish directly from the sea, delicious...

Red Butterfly – Gin Cocktail

Red Butterfly, summer time is strawberry time and cocktail time From about May to August is for many fruits the really perfect time, especially strawberries ripen in the summer months. Many use them for cakes,...

11 Homemade Infusions – Für leckeren Gin zu jeder Jahreszeit

Manche Dinge gehören einfach zusammen: Topf und Deckel, 20Bet Fußballwetten und Gewinne, sowie Gin und Tonic. Doch mittlerweile gibt es viel mehr ausgefallenere Variationen als das klassische Tonic Water. Heutzutage gibt es in den...

Blue St. Tropez – Gin Cocktail

Blue St. Tropez - a summery Gin Cocktail Stroll along the French Riviera, relax together on the turquoise Mediterranean and have lots of fun. Saint Tropez is a European dream destination. But Saint Tropez is...

Gin Tonic Cake

I'm full... Oh, cake. Cake with gin! There aren't many things you can eat even though you've already had enough. But no matter how full you are, a piece of cake is always good! A...

Clover Club – Gin Cocktail

Clover Club - the fruity-sour seduction Who doesn't love the fruity-sour raspberry? Whether fresh or frozen, as ice cream or sauce, especially on warm days we can't get enough of it. So why not enjoy...

Violet Fizz – Gin Cocktail

Violet Fizz, a gin cocktail with violet liqueur A Fizz is a very refreshing cocktail, both alcoholic and carbonated. There are numerous variants of this drink group, the Gin Fizz is probably one of the...

Five a Day – Gin Cocktail

Five a Day by Fabio Brusco, Winner of the "Gin Mare Mediterranean Inspirations Competition" 2016 The gin cocktail I present to you today is something of a little celebrity. Well, almost, the bartender who created...


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