Frozemary, a combination of different summer drinks!

Laue summer evenings and nights are basically the perfect time to do something with friends and also to enjoy one or the other (alcoholic) drink. There are many possibilities, such as different wines, Aperol Spritz, Gin (Tonic) or Gin Cocktails. And of course you can simply combine the different types of alcohol with each other and create a completely new mixture together with fruits like strawberries! The Gin Cocktail Frozemary is such a combination and I want to show you it today. The Gin Cocktail is fruity and refreshing due to its ingredients, but at the same time not too sweet. A perfect drink for mild summer evenings.

Gin Mare as an important ingredient

The Gin Cocktail Frozemary is made with the Gin Mare, an absolutely perfect combination in my opinion. This gin is a premium gin from Spain, more precisely from Barcelona. Already the design of the bottle convinced me in my test at that time. But also the taste of the Gin Mare is completely unique in the world of gin. This is a very Mediterranean gin, which is also produced exclusively with Mediterranean ingredients. In Gin Mare you can find the aroma of olives, thyme, basil and rosemary. These components in the gin, as well as the rosé wine and the aperitif result in a rather bitter aroma. (I recommend Gin Mare as Gin Tonic rather to floral Tonic Water.)

Together with the strawberry puree used for the Gin Cocktail Frozemary, the ingredients are perfectly rounded off. The result is a gin cocktail that combines various ingredients and will delight the drinker!

Additives for a Frozemary


  • 2.5 cl Gin Mare Gin
  • 2.5 cl Aperol
  • 2,5 cl rosé wine
  • 2.5 cl freshly pureed strawberries
  • Crushed Ice
  • For decoration lemon slices, strawberries and rosemary sprigs
Aperol Aperitivo, 11% / Aperol Spritz – Italiens Nr. 1 Cocktail, 1 x 0,7 L
  • Zutaten wie Rhabarber, Chinarinde, Enzian und Bitterorangen ergeben einen unnachahmlichen Geschmack
  • Dank seiner leuchtenden Farbe und seinem leichten, prickelnden und erfrischenden Geschmack hat sich Aperol Spritz zu einem Kultgetränk und einem weltweiten Phänomen entwickelt
Gin Mare - Der mediterrane Gin - Premium Gin - Geschenkempfehlung- würzig-aromatisch inspiriert von...
  • GIN MARE: Der mediterrane Gin, inspiriert von dem besonderen Lebensgefühl und der einzigartigen Geschmackswelt der Mittelmeerregion
  • GESCHMACKSPROFIL: Gin Mare besticht durch einen aromatisch-würzigen, mediterranen Geschmack, geprägt von vier Haupt-Botanicals: Arbequina-Oliven, Rosmarin, Basilikum und Thymian, der Abgang ist daher langanhaltend, würzig und frisch

How to complete a Frozemary?

  1. First the glass, preferably a tumbler gin glass, should be cooled, for example in the freezer compartment or a cooler.
  2. When the glass is cooled, you can start preparing the gin cocktail. First the strawberries have to be crushed with a pestle or mashed with a mixer.
  3. The strawberries are then placed in a cocktail shaker, together with the crushed ice, gin, aperol and rosé wine.
  4. Everything is then shaken vigorously in the shaker for a good 30 to 40 seconds so that the liquids combine to form a homogeneous mass.
  5. The penultimate step is now to strain the finished gin cocktail twice into the glass filled with fresh ice cubes or fresh crushed ice. Double straining means using both the bar strainer and an additional, slightly finer strainer for straining. This is to prevent pieces from getting into the finished Gin Cocktail.
  6. Finally, the gin cocktail, now almost ready to serve, is decorated with a sprig of rosemary, a slice of lemon and a strawberry with a little green. You can already enjoy the Gin Cocktail Frozemary!

Ginnatic London Dry Gin
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