Five a Day by Fabio Brusco, Winner of the „Gin Mare Mediterranean Inspirations Competition“ 2016

The gin cocktail I present to you today is something of a little celebrity. Well, almost, the bartender who created this Gin Cocktail is, he won the „Gin Mare Mediterranean Inspirations Competition“ in 2016. This competition, which takes place for the 8th time in 2018, is a competition for professional bartenders from different countries, for example Germany, Great Britain, but also Hong Kong, Singapore and Spain. The recipe for each cocktail must be prepared by the bartender himself and must be under the sign of „Mare Nostrum“. Mare Nostrum is an ancient Roman name for the Mediterranean, and alludes in particular to Mediterranean components. This competition is proclaimed by the Gin brand Gin Mare. Until the end of May you have to apply, in June the semi-final will take place in your home country and at the beginning of September there will be the international final on Ibiza. In 2016 the Italian Fabio Brusco won together with the British Robyn Wilkie. 2016 was the first and so far only year in which there were 2 winners. Brusco is currently the bar manager in the Berlin bar-restaurant „San Rocco“.

The Gin Cocktail Five a Day by Fabio Brusco is a drink which is especially suitable as a summer aperitif cocktail. The Mediterranean aroma of Gin Mare makes for a wonderfully light, refreshing and very interesting gin cocktail.

How to make a really good Five a Day?

Additives Five a Day:

  • 6 cl Gin Mare Gin
  • 3 cl lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed!)
  • 3 cl celery juice
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 2 sugar cubes or 2 small teaspoons sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Cava (brood) to refill
Gin Mare - Der mediterrane Gin - Premium Gin - Geschenkempfehlung- würzig-aromatisch inspiriert von...
  • GIN MARE: Der mediterrane Gin, inspiriert von dem besonderen Lebensgefühl und der einzigartigen Geschmackswelt der Mittelmeerregion
  • GESCHMACKSPROFIL: Gin Mare besticht durch einen aromatisch-würzigen, mediterranen Geschmack, geprägt von vier Haupt-Botanicals: Arbequina-Oliven, Rosmarin, Basilikum und Thymian, der Abgang ist daher langanhaltend, würzig und frisch

How to make a Five a Day Gin Cocktail?

  1. Considering the list of ingredients one might think that the Gin Cocktail Fiva a Day would be very awkward to prepare – but this is definitely not the case! Basically it only takes three steps to prepare and serve the cocktail.
  2. First, add a rosemary sprig to the cocktail shaker and press on with a pinch of salt and sugar. The best way to do this is to use a cocktail pestle.
  3. Then the cocktail shaker of the Gin Mare, the lemon juice and of course the celery juice are poured into it. All ingredients are then shaken thoroughly for about 30 seconds.
  4. The finished gin cocktail mixture can then be strained twice into a glass. Double straining means using both the bar strainer and a finer strainer. The glass, which I personally recommend for Fiva a Day is a goblet glass, should have been properly cooled before. The glass is then filled up with Cava, or sparkling wine.
  5. To give the Gin Cocktail the final touch, you can or should garnish it a little before serving. For this you can use a simple rosemary sprig. It is more elaborate, but optically more exciting, to make a „nest“ of grated celery, lemon peel and a rose branch. This is then simply placed on the finished drink.

Ginnatic London Dry Gin
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